Is Your Veterinarian Taking Short-Cuts That Put Your Pet At Risk

Tips for Choosing the Right Veterinarian

Choosing the right veterinarian to care for your furry family member and keeping them healthy is a very personal decision to make for any pet parent. Whether you’re getting a new pet or would just like to investigate switching veterinarians, choosing the right one is important because any family member deserves the best care possible – and we all want our pets to stay with the family for years to come.  Not only do you want a vet that provides high quality care, but one you feel comfortable with, too. has provides these tips to help answer the questions every pet owner should be asking:

1. Talk to your friends and family members

If your close friends and family members have a vet in the area that they like, you may want to start there. Ask them what they like about their vet and what experiences they have had with them. Has it just been general checkups, or has your pet had more extensive treatment? Personal referrals are a great way to find someone to care for your pet.

2. Make appointments with a few vets in your area

If you are choosing a vet, consider making appointments with a few different doctors in your area. When you have your first appointment, you will want to take a look around the facility and take into consideration:

  • What is your first impression of their facility – Is it clean? Is the staff friendly?
  • What types of problems they are able to deal with – if your pet has a more serious issue, can they handle it? Who do they refer you to?
  • Do they have 24-hour emergency care?
  • How many vets do they have on staff?
  • How easy is it to make an appointment?
  • Does the facility fit with your budget? Do they have payment plans if your animal were to have a serious medical condition?
  • Are they AAHA accredited? (The American Animal Hospital Association oversees and evaluates the quality of the veterinary staff, facility, patient care and the equipment they use)

3. Ask questions to determine your comfort level with your potential vet:

  • How long have they been practicing and what veterinary school did they graduate from?
  • Do they have any specialties?
  • Does the veterinarian work days and times that work with your schedule?
  • How did they interact with your pet – Were they patient? Caring?
  • Did they take their time with you or did they rush through your appointment?
  • Were they comfortable working with your pet?
  • Did they thoroughly answer all of your questions in a manner that made you feel comfortable?
  • Does the doctor ask about lifestyle and risks before prescribing optional vaccines? (I.e., some vaccines may not be necessary unless the family engages in certain activities or choices, like lots of hiking/camping, or visits to kennels)
  • Will the doctor write prescriptions and allow you to acquire them elsewhere or online (as opposed to exclusively through their office)?

Easy Tips for Choosing a Veterinarian

Although it seems intuitive, start by selecting a doctor who really likes and understands cats! Some veterinarians, even if they like cats, are more dog-focused. Here are some tips to help choose a cat-focused veterinarian.

  • Set up an appointment – Meet with the veterinarian or veterinary team to check out their services in person.
  • Reach out to front desk staff – Ask them to recommend a doctor on their team who is likes cats, excels in working with them, and is interested in feline medicine and surgery.
  • Partner – Look for a veterinarian who really wants to work with you in making decisions that are best for you and for your cat.
  • Discussions – Look for a veterinarian who spends time answering your questions, and who discusses issues other than vaccines with you. Veterinarians who like cats should discuss feline nutrition and behavior. These discussions will really help you to provide the best home environment and care for your cat.

How to choose the right vet for your dog or cat

Ask other dog and cat owners who they would suggest.

Start out by asking your local dog-owning friends which veterinarian’s office they use. Even if there is only one vet in your town, some of your friends might take their pets to a vet in a nearby area. Maybe the care is better there, or maybe the prices are more reasonable.

Ask your friends and neighbors what they like about the vet they use and what they don’t like. You can also read online reviews through Google+, Yelp and Facebook to see what other people are saying.

Compare prices.

Prices do vary from office to office, and while you probably wouldn’t mind paying a bit more for better care, why should you pay twice as much for a routine exam or vaccinations? It is worth calling a couple veterinary offices in your area. Some questions to ask related to prices could include:

  • What do you charge for basic exams for dogs? And for cats?
  • How about for senior pets? (Some will charge more for senior exams)
  • What are the prices for routine vaccinations such as rabies?
  • Do you offer any discounts for multi-pet households?
  • What do you charge for a spay/neuter surgery?
  • What do you charge for dentals?
  • Do you accept Care Credit (a health credit card)?

Ask about hours and how emergencies are handled.

Some vet offices close at 5 p.m. every weekday while others remain open in the evenings. Some are open on weekends, and some are not.

Think about your schedule and what hours would be the most convenient for you.

It’s also a good idea to ask how the vet handles emergencies. Does this particular office handle emergencies as they come in? Does it send them elsewhere? If so, where is that hospital located? Knowing this is important in case your dog is ever in need of emergency care on a Saturday or in the middle of the night. I don’t know about you, but my animals always seem to get sick on the weekends.

Other topics to consider:

  • If you have a dog that is nervous, aggressive or fearful at the vet, you will want to make sure to find someone who is tolerant, patient and experienced handling all sorts of dogs. The same is true if you have a fearful cat.
  • If it’s important to you to use natural products such as natural flea and tick prevention products, you may want to find a vet who is supportive of this vs. the chemical alternatives.
  • And finally, ask yourself if this person is someone you are comfortable talking to. Does she take the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions?

Want To Become A Veterinarian

Things Pet Owners Do That Drive Vets Crazy

It’s a tough subject to tackle. After all, veterinarians do plenty of annoying things, too. But this particular post is all about you—well, not you, but the annoying yous among you. Not that most of you deserve this, but some of you just might! So without any further hedging, let me launch into the most annoying things pet owners do.

Answer Their Cells

Need I say more? Is there anything more annoying and disrespectful than answering a phone call while your vet is delivering her state-of-your-pet’s-health address? OK, it might be worse if you dug out your phone to initiate a call midexam, but only by a smidge. They’re both just plain rude.

Bring Their Kids

I dearly love children (mine mostly, but yours can also be cool), but very young or badly behaved children are an unnecessary liability in a veterinary environment. It’s hard enough to keep pets safe — much less kids. So unless your children are old enough and/or chill enough to hang out in a vet setting, they should probably stay home. One exception: If your pet has an emergency and you have no one to care for your kids, you are most definitely excused. We’ll understand. Call ahead and we may even assign an employee to keep tabs on them so you can concentrate on what’s wrong with your pet.

Let Their Dogs Run Amok

This is not the dog park. And, for the record, retractable leads should remain in the shortest, locked position for the duration of your visit. After watching an innocent human get taken down in the lobby by an overlong retractable line, I decided there should be a law against these in vet hospitals.

Holistic Care is never all bad.

Many veterinarians have a victorious aversion to ‘herbal’ veterinary care, they believe that it in actuality does no longer paintings and let their prospects know. Pet proprietors need their pets healed, devoid of edge effects, and herbal remedies can continually do that. Pet proprietors are increasingly through herbal remedies, with over 50% have used an notable deal of form of complementary remedy. Of confidential note, holistic veterinary remedy has a very important sort of credible scientific analyze that reduce back its effectiveness. Take for example the herb turmeric, which has been shown to be increasingly victorious for hypersensitive reactions, arthritis and now even cancer; prospects detect that it works, and now science is backing this up. Clients are actively getting to know the know-how superhighway for any accessible choice to regard it doesn’t matter what disease their pets  have, and being exposed to method greater likelihood ideas. Ultimately as veterinarians it can be much larger to fortify into your prospects trusted advisors on all facets in their pets care, holistic and favorite.

Crappy of us skills.

This is greater about what vets don’t say- as in nothing. How in regards to the veterinarian and their laborers making respectable eye contact while any client contains the workplace and making pet proprietors experience welcome. I have had many prospects say they’ve felt un-very important and no longer identified at a veterinary medical association. Imagine the veterinarian introducing him or herself, affirming your name, and your pet’s name. Unfortunately of us skills are no longer a fashion of trends determined on for at veterinary tuition- sure as a veterinarian you’ll be able to be superb with animals, have simplest medical or surgical skills, then again you continue to must be capable to go looking the recommendation of pet proprietors.

Too many tips.

So what does your pet in actuality need? 13 amazing blood assessments, heartworm screen, fecal flotation, urinalysis, X-rays, EKG, all justified as ‘wellness’ screening. If a pet is sick, most prospects need vets to do the key very important assessments first with a view to paintings out the cause. Clients need veterinarians firstly an notable deal of typical sense and present a list of the key likely diagnoses. Ask your veterinarian exactly what they do for that is why referred to as ‘wellness screening’ for their personal pets. In my celebration most veterinarians only do diagnostic assessments on their personal animals while they’re sick. Should this in actuality be amazing with their prospects?

Just present me the Truth.

As in what vaccines does my dog or cat in actuality need? What do you in actuality consider is incorrect with pet? Pet proprietors need the ‘actual’ answers, if it is bad news a couple of diagnosis, or what vaccines you believe about are wished. As an example, many veterinarians are giving their personal pets some distance fewer vaccines than they advise giving to their client’s animals. Or agree with after an exam of your dog, your veterinarian unearths multiple enlarged lymph nodes. For worry of ‘scaring’ you, your veterinarian  inform you that ‘it’s simply a lump we must scan’. This confuses prospects, and breeds mistrust, the distinctive reverse that I consider veterinarians need to speak. Key to any classification of long time fulfillment in veterinary apply is hanging up a mutual courting together with your prospects founded on have confidence. If prospects have confidence then you devoid of difficulty they’re method greater likely to acquire your tips, refer greater prospects to you, and feature your apply thrive. Win-Win.

Waiting too long to seek help

It’s so frustrating when a pet owner finally arrives at the ER with a dog that is nearly dead, then goes on to tell vet staff how they stayed up all night watching the dog vomit and have diarrhea. In the past I’ve heard, “He only vomits two or three times a day.” How many times a day do you vomit? Please go to the veterinarian sooner rather than later!

Having to handle the owner to handle the dog

When small dog owners hold their dog very, very, very close to their bosom and, when the vet asks to examine the dog, they literally have to pry the dog away from that bosom. There is no way to avoid being inappropriate!

How To Find A General Dentist

Tips When Looking for the Perfect Dentist

Do you know if your dentist is giving you the best quality care? Are you unsure about who is best qualified to care for your teeth? These are extremely important questions that everyone must consider when looking for a dentist. The experience your dentist has can make the difference between your teeth being completely healthy or a total disaster. I have compiled five tips that will help you to the right dentist for you and your loved ones.

Ask Others that You Trust

The easiest way to find a great dentist is to talk to people you trust. It is important to perform some research on the person who will be taking care of your teeth. Feel free to ask around about dentists you are considering as an option. Sincere information coming from people who have already gone through experience is the often the best kind of information.

Research on the Internet

It’s easy to find plenty of information on local dentists without ever leaving your home. The Internet has endless resources with reviews and ratings of dentists in your area. You should educate yourself on the backgrounds of the dentists you are considering. You must also look into how much experience the dentist has had and how long he or she has been in the profession. Additionally, suggestions from official institutes, and even other dentists, can assist you in your decision-making.

Meet the office staff

If everything checks out, consider scheduling a simple cleaning or an initial exam. Use that opportunity to see the office and talk with the staff. They should be friendly and should act professionally. The office should be clean and uncluttered. When you meet with the dentist, tell say you are searching for a new family dentist and ask for time to have a few questions answered. Talk about the practice and the types of procedures offered.

If your initial appointment went well and you felt welcomed and comfortable during that initial visit, then you are ready to expand the tryout and see how the dentist handles other family members. Some dentists are great with children — others, not as much.

The level of care and comfort can vary greatly from one office to another. That doesn’t mean a dentist is unqualified. It just means it is important to find an experienced dental practice that meets the specific needs of you and your family.

Consider office location and hours

Most people choosing a dentist look for a dental office close to their home or work. They find it easier to schedule appointments before going to work, during lunch, or later in the day when they’re headed home. Look for dentists in your preferred area. Then check the office hours to make sure they fit your schedule.

Check patient reviews

Read reviews of the dentists on your list. Make sure to read the comments posted by patients. Also ask your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers or doctor for feedback on choosing a dentist. And find out who they prefer.

Check For Flexibility

When choosing a dentist, consider how flexible they are as a business. You don’t want to find a clinic that is overbooked. Ensure that the dentist’s schedule is flexible enough to create time for your family’s dental appointments.

Steer clear of practices that require patients to book appointments more than a couple of weeks in advance. Find a clinic that will provide you with dental treatment whenever you need it

Look At The Services Offered

Dental care services tend to vary from one clinic to another. Therefore, you need to consider any special services you may require in the future. Research the dental services your potential family dentist offers. Most dental clinics offer general dentistry services such as teeth cleaning, dental fillings, and checkups. If you have a small baby in your household, be sure to confirm whether the doctor you’re considering provides dental care to kids.

What Are Your Financing Options?

When looking for a family dentist for your nearest and dearest, make sure that they fall under your dental coverage. Using your health insurance policy to cover your family’s dental treatment expenses will help to cut down your bills. You can ask your insurer to give you a list of dentists they work with. Pick a few dental professionals from the list and carry out a background check to pick out the right dentist for your family.

There are several financing options for dental care. Find out from your dentist what type of payments they accept. Also, find a clinic that provides flexible payment plans for costly procedures.

Find out About the Dentist’s Hours and Emergency Care

Another smart idea as you search for your new dentist is to find out what hours the office is open. Even if you have a flexible schedule, there are likely some hours that work better for you and others that don’t. If you have a limited schedule — whether it’s because you work, take care of children or a parent, or are a single parent — you may need night hours to accommodate your busy life.

Call around to each of the offices you are considering and ask them their hours of operation. You also can go to their website, but sometimes information on websites is not updated in a timely fashion. They may have a schedule posted from a few years ago that doesn’t reflect their current hours. Be sure to find out:

  • Whether they are open after 5 p.m. on any weeknights
  • Whether they offer Saturday hours
  • Whether they ever open on Sundays
  • Whether they close the office on Fridays or another day of the week
  • Whether they close early on any weekdays
  • Whether they charge a fee for missed appointments
  • How much time is needed in advance to cancel an appointment

Hours are only part of the equation, though. You also will need to find out about your prospective dentist’s emergency-care options. “My teeth are healthy,” you may be thinking. “I’ve never had so much as a cavity. Why would I need emergency services?”